Harnessing the Power of Cultural and Social Diversities in the Workforce
Most corporations are comfortable showing the percentage of minorities among their employees by stuffing the statistics into a simple pie graph. However, more often than not, people who occupy the same slice in the chart are more different than they are the same. Consequently, this leads to an inefficient utilization of their different backgrounds.
“There’s something that happens with the collection of a large amount of data when it’s... put into a pie chart. You run the risk of completely missing what it’s about.”
—Aaron Koblin
True Diversity contests this conventional way of analysis, exposing its weakness in capturing the complexities of diversity. This book promotes open-mindedness by offering a refreshing way to view the richness of including people from different backgrounds in the workforce.
Why It’s Important
“A lot of different flowers make a bouquet.”
Diversity in an organization refers to having employees with different gender, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the likes. Businesses can benefit from having a diverse workforce. This helps increase employee morale and therefore productivity, allowing the company to gain new perspectives and innovative solutions that can lead to success.
“[O]ur differences enable us to be a better team - one that makes better decisions, drives innovation and delivers better business results.”
Of course, there are still some challenges corporations face when employing a diverse workforce. This includes overcoming biases, internal resistance, and instruction management. However, these problems can be easily solved by investing in additional training and dedicated coaching.
Once these challenges are overcome, employees can easily benefit from having an inclusive organization. It provides them with a work environment where they can learn from each other, reach their potentials, and therefore have the opportunity to grow.
“It’s not at all hard to understand a person; it’s only hard to listen without bias.”
Criss Jami
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True Diversity is available nationwide through Amazon and Bookshop.org. If you have any questions about the book, please don’t hesitate to send us a message anytime. We’ll get back to you with a reply as soon as possible.